The Brief
In an era when people are hungry for spending time close to nature, exploring Australia’s vast national parks, being able to navigate and find your way is more important than ever.
Traditional map and compass navigation skills go hand-in-hand with our increased yearning for slower travel and a simpler life – one more connected to our precious earth.
How to Navigate (2nd edition), is a 103 page, straight-talking, modern approach to map and compass navigation. It is loaded with clear explanations, photographs, illustrations, how-to’s and why’s, told from the perspective of a passionate bushwalker, with over 15 years of experience in search and rescue.
While the use of digital maps and GPS devices may seem the easy option, they can’t always be relied upon and like the rest of our digital lives, can cause a disconnect from nature – the very thing we are seeking to embrace.
‘Traditional navigation teaches us to see and experience the world differently. It’s about becoming deeply aware and observant of the world around us,’ says author, Caro Ryan. ‘Rather than simply seeing hills, mountains and rivers; we see ways, routes, possibilities and flow.’
Dick Smith AC (Adventurer, entrepreneur, philanthropist) says, ‘I’ve spent my life and have been on many expeditions where I have had to rely on a map and compass. Caro’s book brings a fresh approach, breaking down old fashioned jargon and making learning how to navigate, easy.’
Like many businesses and individuals, Caro and Juicy needed to think outside the box during the challenges posed by covid-19 to clients and projects.
The book took three months to write, including creating images and diagrams to explain not only the process of navigation, but digging into the why’s behind the how-to’s, removing jargon and putting it all into everyday language.
The Client
Research, writing, photography, permissions, production management, print management, art direction, marketing, distribution.
Training Resource for
NSW Police Rescue Squad
NSW State Emergency Service
ISBN 9780648751519
Pages 103
RRP $29.95
Available from
Paddy Pallin
Wild Earth
Trek & Travel
Summit Gear
NPWS Heritage Centre
Echo Point Visitors Centre
Bogong Equipment
Chart & Map Shop
Find Your Feet
Far Outdoors
Wilderness Sports